Certified Coaches Federation Presents: Certified Life and Executive Coach Training – Vancouver, B.C. December 6 – 7, 2014

Interested in building a successful life coach or business coach practice? Are you in a position in your company where you are support for others? Do you work in HR or lead a team of 5 or more?

The Certified Coaches Federation has certified more than 9,300 Life Coaches and Executive Coaches since 2006 (and I am one of them) and is now recognized as one of the Leading Life Coach Certification and Executive Coach Certification Programs in the world! Voted Best Life Coach Training Course 4 years in a row! CCF is now offering our Life Coach Certification and Executive Coach Certification Programs in 100 cities around the world!

The two words used most often when describing our Life Coach Training and Executive Coach Training Courses are brilliance and simplicity! The Certified Coaches Federation offers a succinct course that gets to the heart of the coaching process and has removed any non-essential components in the process of helping our clients achieve their goals!

I want to personally invite you to our 2 day Life Coaching Certification Course, which is being held in Vancouver at the Sylvia Hotel on the weekend of December 6 – 7, 2014 – http://www.sylviahotel.com/.

Our Coaching Program is designed as the “all meat, no fat” course specifically designed to teach you how to coach more effectively, and how to build your business more effectively as a Coach, for those who qualify. Many folks involved in “people helping” are adding Life Coaching Certification as another effective tool in their tool kit, all with the aim of helping our clients remove barriers, achieve their goals, and come to a place of personal, relational and career fulfillment. Some are even growing a practice as a Coach to the point that it becomes their full-time work. In 2 days you can become a Certified Life Coach! All CCF Graduates are automatically enrolled, at no additional cost, into our one year continuing education program as well.

Life Coaching – or self-development consulting – is a new phenomenon. It is gradually gaining prominence and has now spread worldwide. This relatively new profession is emerging because of a major shift in social parameters. In this present day, change has become the norm. Studies that have been conducted indicate that 70% of the participants in coaching relationships reported significant increases in their areas of focus. Several participants described immediate beneficial changes, and 95% cited the process as worthwhile.

Coaching is now estimated to be over a $5 billion/year in the U.S., and about $400 million/year in Canada. 60% of American companies use or have used an Executive Coach. The role of a counselor is to help an individual resolve issues of the past in order to operate more effectively in the present. A coach, on the other hand, helps us assess the present so that we can operate more effectively in the future.

Although Life Coaching is clearly therapeutic in that its aim is to enhance an individual’s performance or life experience, there are significant differences between this and psychotherapy. Coaching is short term (generally between 3-12 months) and is solution based. Coaching therapy understands the client is able and functional, and focuses primarily on the present and future, and not so much the past. Coaching is a results-orientated systematic process in which the coach facilitates performance enhancement and life skills development, rather than treating dysfunction. This difference means that a coach can be far more vigorous and challenging (albeit in a client-friendly manner) and can hold their client responsible for their commitment to change to a greater degree than the therapist can.

We are aware that you looking at your options. Please consider the Certified Coaches Federation. We will help you not only coach people, but build your business in a people focused and profitable way.

If you are interested and have any questions about the course, please call me at your earliest convenience at 403-389-1190. Or you can call Derrick at 1-866-455-2155. You can also gather information or register online at www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com.

The investment for this weekend registration is only $979 + HST. This includes the two day training, enrolment in the one year Continuing Education Program, Certification as Certified Life Coach, and one free Coaching session with your facilitator, a Master Coach. If you are able to refer someone who registers and takes the course, we will also pay you $100. If you register 28 days before the course begins or earlier, you also qualify for our early-bird discount of $100. So the cost can be $979, or $879, or even $779, plus tax.

Lastly, everyone who registers for the Certified Coaching Practitioner Training, as above, can also now take our world class Hypnolinguistics Course for free!

Hypnolinguistics® is a course that teaches coaches how words impact the coaching process from a cognitive and psycho-linguistic perspective. Have a look:  http://www.hypnolinguistics.com/

In essence, we are offering two courses for one!

The Registration Cost for the program includes:
– The 2-Day Intensive Program,

– A follow up one-on-one coaching session with the trainer,

– Ongoing membership to the Healthy Wealthy and Wise Membership Area,

– Monthly tutorials – one on coaching skills & strategies; one on the business building & marketing aspects of coaching. There is also an archive of 12+ months of tutorials,

– Full audio program – which review the essential concepts of the 2 day-intensive,

– Downloadable copies of the course forms,

– Downloadable Certified Coaches Federation Logo to use in your business materials

– Access to Hypnolinguistics® – http://www.hypnolinguistics.com/

To register for our upcoming Certified Coaching Practitioner Training, simply log on to www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com, or call 1-866-455-2155.

In essence, we are offering two courses for one!

Here is a short video of some who recently took the course with me…

If you have specific questions, I would be more than happy to chat here back and forth, or on the phone. I am the Vancouver Master Coach Trainer for the Certified Coaches Federation.
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